A downloadable Virtual Instrument for Windows

A Virual Piano with all the notes and tones in placed systematically and can be played with any ordinary PC Keyboard.

Play Instructions:

  • click the buttons with your mouse to play the notes
  • or use the keybord key bundles, Divide in 2 groups for ease of play , the octaves can be moved across the board using arrow keys to play across all 52 keys using the keyboard
  • Use the left and right arrow keys to change the right hand octaves [r,5,t,6,y,u,8,i,9,o,0,p]
  • Use the up and down arrow keys to change the left hand octaves [z,s,x,d,c,v,g,b,h,n,j,m]


pyiano-windows-beta.zip 46 MB
Version 1 Aug 12, 2023

Install instructions


  1.   Extract the Zip file in your preffered folder
  2.  The 'assets' folder and  'pyiano.exe' should be in the same folder
  3. RUN pyiano.exe to launch the application.